Friday, March 20, 2015


Sorry you couldn't be with us Adam. Hope your family is all better next week! And I've been meaning to ask you to reiterate why blue corn is so great. My bad, I forgot to write it down. I had a hard time finding blue corn seed, where did you get yours? (feel free to add a comment to the blog:-)

Thanks everyone for your entrepreneurial ideas, there are a lot more ways to add value to our lives and our communities out there than we realize! I hope I was able to add some sparks to the mix. Dream Big, but grow (your business) slow.
Are you spending 15 minutes of observation out in your gardens each day? I love to see things sprouting up, its so exciting! And while you're out there, maybe you could practice shoveling with your legs (rather than your back) like we sort of practiced in class. How are you guys doing with your garden journals that Sister Claridge gave you? Did you sketch out your garden to scale (if you have a family garden, you can just do your portion). I kind of cheated, because I have a blank garden template that I made through the Mother Earth Garden Planner a few years back...but I'm ok with that since my garden is very large and complicated. I did have to sketch in what I've planted this year, and another part of the garden that for some reason I didn't put in originally. If you want an example, I can show you my garden 'sketch' next week and I'd love to see what you've done!

random ideas:
-I soak most of my seeds 2-24 hours (the larger the seed, the more time it needs) before I plant them...they sprout A LOT faster. Although then they stick together which can make planting difficult, unless you pat them dry first.
-I planted a salad for my chickens: I planted soaked arugula, collards, kale, and pea seeds in part of the chicken yard and placed over that a frame with chicken wire secured to it. The chickens always scratch everything to death and their yard has become a mucky mess, so the frame is to keep it up off the ground so the plants can get rooted and grow before the chickens eat the fresh live growing tops and can't scratch it up.

For next week:

  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Books discussions are so much better when we've all read the book! And this one is a fast read.
  • Mini-essay due, either #3 or #4; and past essays if not done and turned in
  • presentations:  Adam next Thursday March 26th; Trey April 9th
  • continue your Habits: math lessons, core book study (or CBS, as I write in my day planner), writing in your log book, Garden

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