Sunday, September 28, 2014

seeking truth

Hello Fabulous and Fun Scholars! Last week sure was fun! My favorite part was the egg drop structure building. It appeared everyone did a great job of embracing failure when an egg broke, in fact that made it all the more lively! I enjoyed seeing everyone searching for patterns and relevance in the 'What book am I thinking of?' game...your brains were in overdrive! Hopefully you continued diligently and consciously seeking out and evaluating truth.

     A. Habits
            a) Core book studies
            b) math lessons
            c) write daily in log book
     B. Skill focus: look for Truth

For anyone who has been reticent to share prisms/insights in class, it might be especially helpful to write down several observations and choose your favorite one ahead of time that you'd like to share. Commit, do and grow:-)
Hope to see you all Thursday

p.s. Not to name anyone specifically or anything;-) but if your last name is Prestegard, please reply to this post to let us know that you are subscribed to these blog posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Patterns, patterns, everywhere

Hey fabulous scholars!  Are you looking for patterns?  And journaling them in your logbooks?  Have you paid more attention to your particular learning style this week?  Did you share your learning style with your parents?  How are your math and Core Book studies coming?  Remember that the first thing we'll do in class every week is our Prism-ing... sharing the patterns we've noticed and insights we've had during our more in-depth Core Book studies, telling about any experiments you've done, sharing from our Commonplace Books, if you'd like, and logging our progress on our Inteligro Award goals. Making it a habit to log your insights in your logbook and/or Commonplace book, and even just carrying your Commonplace book with you, will help you with this and can become a life-long part of your personal education.

We mentioned briefly that we'll have a science fair at the end of the semester (in conjunction with Parent Night).  Have you picked a topic/experiment/presentation idea?  Have you done any other great experiments you'd like to share with us in class (for one of your required 4)?

Remember also, this Thursday will be week 3, and our String, Straightedge and Shadow book discussion will be week 5.  Hope you're enjoying it!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week 1

Hey everyone, today was great!

Before anything else, I'd like to ask one of you to switch with Alina for presentation on Sept 25th.  By default she got the first 2 weeks of the semester.  Come on, be brave!

Also, would each of you respond comment on this blogpost ASAP, so I know you're all subscribed and seeing it?  Thanks!

Here's a list of the dates everyone signed up, in case you forgot to write it down:
Sept 18--Alina
Sept 25--Alina
Oct 2--Adam
Oct 9--Joshua
Oct 16--Jared
Oct 23--Trey
Oct 30--Adam
Nov 6--Joshua
Nov 13--Eric
Nov 20--Jared
Dec 4--Trey
Dec 11--Eric

Remember to finish filling out your Goal Sheet and School Tips and have them signed by a parent.  Then start/continue your Core Book study (annotating) and math work... and log when you did them.  String, Straightedge and Shadow is due Oct 9th.

Thanks everyone for a great week!  I really enjoyed your insights and thoughts and look forward to getting to know you even more.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Getting ready for the first week of Pyramid

I'm looking forward to our upcoming first class, next Thursday! 
Have you all been reading (and ENJOYING) Carry On, Mr. Bowditch?  Have you thought about how you might take a little more control/responsibility for your education?  I thought he was so inspiring!
Please remember to bring your Pyramid binder, your copy of the book, and a notebook.  Taking good notes will be important this year, and we'll talk about it in class.
Also, if you haven't started a Commonplace book, think about finding something you'd like to keep that in.  You don't have to have it by this first week, but it'll be important.  Without knowing the name/concept of "Commonplace book," I've actually kept a sort of one for over 20 years.  Mine have been in the backs of my journals.  It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, it could be a simple notebook, sketchbook or journal (most of my journals have cost less than $5 and many were simply steno notebooks).  I've actually found a new system (Arc by Staples) that I'm excited about, because it looks nice, works like a smallish journal, but I can still move pages around and reorganize as the need/fancy strikes me. Look around and think about what would work well for you.  I'm sure Nathaniel's notebooks weren't fancy.