Monday, January 12, 2015

Testing, testing, 123

Last week we took a blue book test annotating our core book. For anyone who may have been nervous about a test...we are all alive and well still:-) Keep that in mind and come this Thursday prepared to be serious and thoughtful and use your time well.
This week we are having the end of semester math test. You must bring the math test from your math packet or the math test from whatever math you've been doing OR make up your own math test that shows what you have learned this semester. This test is required to show your progress and earn your prism for first semester. What can you do so you remember to bring it?
Please leave your toys and distractions at home, although you could bring a notebook to doodle in when you are finished.
How is your Science/Math  Project/Experiment coming along for Thursday evening? Hopefully you are well along or done:-) This is going to be fun to explore what you all bring!

Since we are studying georgics next semester, I thought I'd let you know we processed our first goat today! A tad different than chickens! Glad I had help and glad we all had a good/embrace failure attitude...surprisingly enough we ended up having fun together and we learned alot!

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