Monday, November 10, 2014

Physical Creation

I checked and indeed, the rabies vaccine was made from weakened virus. The rabies was weakened by drying out infected tissue.

RE: Pyramid Project 1st and second semester rewards: You were right, you guys/gal are already awesome! I am so impressed with each one of you...your character, personality, skills and talents, knowledge and eagerness to learn more and to BECOME more, and general awesomeness:-)
What I really meant was that although you are definitely above the general cut for your age; in the immortal words of Mufasa "You are more than what you have become". You ARE wonderful, AND have the potential to be even more. 2nd semester you have the opportunity to work harder and become more, not because of a really cool sparkly carrot, but purely for the joy and self-satisfaction of Becoming More (the internal really cool sparkly carrot;-). We'll get there, but first lets grab hold of what 1st semester has to offer!

the growth inspiring habits that you have hopefully formed and/or are cementing in:
-Core book study
-math lessons
-daily log book entries

at bat this week: Eric
on deck for the following week: Jared

set the timer and spend 15 minutes in quiet contemplation/mediation on a problem in your life that you'd like solved...And then ACT on it (you didn't really want to hang on to those problems, right?!) Physically create the systems or actions that will help you solve the problem.
act on SayGoBeDo's that you get (we'd love to hear about them, so feel free to write them down)

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