Friday, September 5, 2014

Getting ready for the first week of Pyramid

I'm looking forward to our upcoming first class, next Thursday! 
Have you all been reading (and ENJOYING) Carry On, Mr. Bowditch?  Have you thought about how you might take a little more control/responsibility for your education?  I thought he was so inspiring!
Please remember to bring your Pyramid binder, your copy of the book, and a notebook.  Taking good notes will be important this year, and we'll talk about it in class.
Also, if you haven't started a Commonplace book, think about finding something you'd like to keep that in.  You don't have to have it by this first week, but it'll be important.  Without knowing the name/concept of "Commonplace book," I've actually kept a sort of one for over 20 years.  Mine have been in the backs of my journals.  It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, it could be a simple notebook, sketchbook or journal (most of my journals have cost less than $5 and many were simply steno notebooks).  I've actually found a new system (Arc by Staples) that I'm excited about, because it looks nice, works like a smallish journal, but I can still move pages around and reorganize as the need/fancy strikes me. Look around and think about what would work well for you.  I'm sure Nathaniel's notebooks weren't fancy.

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