I'm looking forward to our upcoming first class, next Thursday!
Have you all been reading (and ENJOYING) Carry On, Mr. Bowditch? Have you thought about how you might take a little more control/responsibility for your education? I thought he was so inspiring!
Please remember to bring your Pyramid binder, your copy of the book, and a notebook. Taking good notes will be important this year, and we'll talk about it in class.
Also, if you haven't started a Commonplace book, think about finding something you'd like to keep that in. You don't have to have it by this first week, but it'll be important. Without knowing the name/concept of "Commonplace book," I've actually kept a sort of one for over 20 years. Mine have been in the backs of my journals. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, it could be a simple notebook, sketchbook or journal (most of my journals have cost less than $5 and many were simply steno notebooks). I've actually found a new system (Arc by Staples) that I'm excited about, because it looks nice, works like a smallish journal, but I can still move pages around and reorganize as the need/fancy strikes me. Look around and think about what would work well for you. I'm sure Nathaniel's notebooks weren't fancy.
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